
Shipping and Delivery

At The Social Digital, we are committed to delivering our digital services in a timely and efficient manner. Our delivery policy is as follows:

  1. Order Processing: Orders for our services are processed within 24-48 hours of receipt. Once your order is processed, you will receive a confirmation email with details about your order.

  2. Digital Delivery: As a digital marketing agency, all our services are delivered electronically, typically via email or through a secure client portal on our website. There are no shipping fees or delivery times associated with physical goods.

  3. Delivery Timeframe: The delivery timeframe for our services will depend on the specific service purchased. We will provide an estimated delivery date at the time of purchase, and we strive to meet this date. However, please note that this is an estimate and actual delivery times may vary.

  4. Service Activation: Some services, such as social media account management or ad campaign setup, will be activated directly on the relevant social media platform. You will receive a notification when these services are active.

  5. Delays: In the event of a delay in delivering our services, we will notify you promptly and provide an updated delivery timeframe.

  6. Confirmation of Delivery: Upon completion of our services, you will receive a confirmation email detailing the work that has been done.

  7. International Clients: We provide our services globally. The process for international clients remains the same as for our domestic clients. All communication and delivery of services will be conducted online, ensuring timely and efficient delivery regardless of your location.

This Delivery Policy is in accordance with the laws of India. By purchasing our services, you are agreeing to this policy and acknowledge that you understand and agree to its terms

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